Patient Trauma Products
For more than thirty years Osmoco engineered and developed Trauma and wound care products for an ever evolving field of medicine. Our unique micro environment dressing for secondary intention wound healing process we hope will revolutionize active patients requiring a high mobility compliant therapy. The technology for decubitus ulcer prevention by the development of low pressure support surfaces are certainly one of the most famous patented technology that Osmoco and its founder have developed. Thousands of these sleep surfaces were produced by SSI Medical and later on, Hillenbrand industries with the Accucair, Flexicair and related therapy low pressure support bed brand name.
Osmoco in the early eighties was one of the first producers of low adhesion burn sheet producer and eventually to a full emergency burn treatment kit for the EMS field. A military version was created later on with multiple variants addressing specific requirements. In the early part of the new millennium Osmoco conceived more and more products related to the care and treatment of patients exposed to hazardous materials and especially etiological agents. By 2005 we established the basis for a more advanced patient transport system after years of Air Ambulance involvement. Our new fully integrated transport stretcher will be a new dawn of patient intensive care stretcher system with all monitoring components and ventilation requirements an integral part of the trauma stretcher… At Osmoco we may be small by comparison to the industry giants but we will surprise you by the quality of our solutions, our track record proves the quality of our medical engineering
Micro Environment Dressing

The "Freedom" low air loss therapy is a miniaturized version of the low air loss power unit coupled to a dressing that creates a micro-environment that seals the wound site from outside environmental insults as well as impact and sheer protection. This permits the patient to wear a small hip pack rechargeable battery powered unit that provides HEPA filtered air that can be humidified and medication nebulized into a small tube going to the specialized dressing. The dressing itself is sealed against any cross contamination form the outside and provides the wound site with a microenvironment conducive to rapid healing. The wound care nurse can adjust the therapy for a controlled moisture environment and can also instruct the patient to add a medication cartridge at different intervals. This therapy now permits a patient to be free to walk about and accomplish normal activities without the worry of contamination. Furthermore the patient's wound will be managed in a micro-environment through which we will control the parameters for rapid wound healing. Many diabetic patient’s resilient wounds, for example, can be treated by this methodology while lessening the treatment burden on the patient.
Military Trauma Stretcher

The "OSMOCARE" unit is a medical transport platform designed and manufactured by Osmoco that integrates the latest off-the-shelf medical equipment such as a ventilator with on-board oxygen, a three-channel infusion pump, suction devices, defibrillators, a blood chemistry analyzer, patient physiological monitors, web-enabled data recorders, sophisticated power sources and systems data management components into one state-of-the-art stretcher. Osmoco’s designers have further enhanced the capabilities of the OSMOCARE by integrating the Sonosite Ultrasound device and the BioZ non invasive homodynamic monitor. These units complement the OSMOCARE unit to enhance it’s intensive care capabilities. The result is a safer and more efficient transfer of critically injured patients and their attending emergency medical personnel.
Burn Patient Transport

Osmoco in the early eighties was one of the first producers of low adhesion burn sheet and eventually to a full emergency burn treatment kit for the EMS field. A military version was created later on with multiple variants addressing specific requirements. From standard sheets to complex treatment kits, we can customize a solution for you or provide our standard stock items like full size sheets, face sheet, burn wrap to maintain temperature and hydration while removing exudate. We can also provide a modified Parkland and Evans formula for fluid intake and output monitoring in a boxed single use kit.
Bio Containment Patient Transport System

Osmoco’s Air Ambulance group designed a special stretcher system to provide patient isolation as well as containment of any possible infectious agent emanating from the patient. All life support equipment is isolated and only the patient leads and cable need to be disposed of. The patient is isolated and ventilated with a battery-operated system capable of 11 hours of independence as well as two backup systems including a manually powered one. The non-claustrophobic transparent design of the capsule was created to reduce patient stress and provide the attending medical personnel with an unobstructed view of the patient at all times. The glove ports permit manipulation of the patient and the flexible surface covering the medical devices permit manipulation of the touch-sensitive screens of the and ventilator unit monitors.
Low Pressure Patient Support Bed

Since the 80s Osmoco has developed and patented in partnership with the Canadian National research council, the Canadian Air Bed later sold by SSI Medical under the Cairbed, Accucair and Flexicaire brands. This low pressure point therapy supports the patient while providing a micro environment of conditioned air to prevent the formation of decubitus ulcers. Thousands of these units are in service all over the world in multiple variations. A computer controlled compressor unit provides the exact amount of pressure to mold the patient support surface to almost 100% of the patient's contours, avoiding the creation of pressure points. The micro perfusion of the top contact layer provides constant aeration of the patient skin surface avoiding complex decubitus ulceration of the skin.